Monday 14 January 2013


DEAR FRIEND, HAPPY NEW YEAR. AND MARRY CHRISTIMAS As you continue enjoying the glory of your creator GOD/ALLAH, giving thanks for what he have done to you this year. And as you continue evaluating what you have, and what you have not accomplished this year. Also as you continue planning what to do in 2013, I believe the above are general common things that we have always been told tothink, consider and do when we welcomeanother New Year. Therefore planning what to accomplish is our responsibility. We have to remember this …“if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”

 NOW LET US BE A LITTLE BIT EXTRA FROM THIS, LET US NOW BE VISIONARY PEOPLE FOR A MOMENT. LET US THINK, CONSIDER AND IMAGINE THE TRUE END OF OURSELVES. Imagine YOU have lived long enough on this earth and then you died. Then sadness arises to all people who were with you and lived with you. And news starts spreading telling that you are no longer alive. Come with me in your imagination to the funeral of a loved YOU. Picture yourself like driving to the burial. Packing your car and getting out. As you walk inside the building, notice the flowers and soft organ music. See the faces of friends and family as you move through the room. Feel the shared sorrow of losing and the joy of having known that radiates from the hearts of the people there. As YOU walk to the front of the room and look inside the casket, YOU CAME FACE TO FACE WITH YOURSELF. ITS YOU WHO HAVE DIED AND IT IS YOUR BURIAL. All these people have come to honor you and to express feelings of love and appreciation for your life. As you take a seat and wait for service to begin, you look at the program in your hand. Five persons will speak. The first speaker is from your family, the second speaker is to be one your greatest friends. Someone who can give a sense of what you were as a person. The third speaker is from your work or profession. The fourth speaker is from your community organization where you were involved in service. The fifth and final speaker is your spouse/wife or husband


  1.  1. What would you like each of these speakers to say about you and your life? 2. What kind of husband or wife, father or mother would you like their words to reflect? 3. What kind of a son or daughter or cousin would you like to be known? 4. What kind of friend the people will say you were? 5. How many things people will say that you have accomplished and the whole society (not only your family)will be remembering you for what you did for them? 6. After your death, will you die with what you wererunning? Or your things will remain forever helping and impacting the entire generation? 7. How great your burial ceremony would you like to be? 8. How many things that even your government will appreciate and honor after your death? 9. How many abilities and talents people will say you had when you were alive? 10. Can your complete life bibliography be so beautiful in such a way people may write a book from you so that other people can learn from you? What will people learn from your life? THINK ABOUT THIS WE ARE DESIGNED TO BE “GREAT” Let me introduce and share with you something that will be in one of my greatest books. I was shocked to find that “everyone born on this earth wants to be GREAT”. This is absolutely true to all of us. Look at you… you want to be great don’t you? Somewhere in your heart you know and believe that “am going to be great one day”. No matter what you have been through in your life. No matter how many disappointments you get in your life, “I will be great one day” will remain in you until you become great, or until you die. But I have been asking myself for sometimes now “WHY VERY FEW AMONG US SUCCEED TO BE GREAT?” Think about this…what makes us impact-less to our society, our country and our world? Why many fails and few succeed? YOUR MINDSET IS AN ANSWER. YOUR MINDSET IS AN ANSWER When I was using Facebook, I met with the following statement “what dominates your mind is what controls your action”. This statement is very important. That means if let say my mind says “I am poor”, then I will continue being poor until when I change my mind and say “I was not designed and destined to be poor. I was born poor but am not supposed to die poor. I AM NOT POOR”. My friend, this is one of greatest problem to all of us. And we have to fight against this ideology. This also explain why you are here at this university… we are busy fighting with our poor like ideology. Have you ever met with someone who is very proud of himself/herself saying “MIMI NI MTOTO WA MKULIMA BWANA, MIMI NI MTOTO WA MASIKINI BWANA”. And they use this as their excuse for WHY they are still poor. I don’t mean that we shouldn’t agree with our current status… no. but we will continue being poor until we change our mindset and say that we don’t have to continue being poor. THE MINDSET OF THE POOR AND THE RICH The word mind itself is very complicated term (it will take the entire page to explain it).our mind is full of ideas. These ideas are obtained formally, informal and also through our past life experience. Collectively, ideas in our mind form what we call IDEOLOGY. The ideology of the POOR is dominated by “I CANT” while ideology of the RICH is dominated by “I CAN”. For example; both the rich and the poor may get an idea to do something. The poor will say “this idea is very good but I CANT do it because I don’t have CAPITAL”. And the rich will say “this idea is very good, I CAN do it, for now I DON’T have capital but I will find HOW TO GET CAPITAL” You see; the poor ends with “I DON’T HAVE CAPITAL” while the rich goes beyond “I don’t have capital” to “HOW TO GET CAPITAL”. In other way I can say “an IDEA may need capital to be implemented, but capital itself need an IDEA on how to get it”. Therefore; everything starts as an idea. Look at what you are wearing; this design of your cloth was once an idea in someone’s mind. We don’t need capital to THINK. Everyone thinks except the dead ones. Now look at you… where do you end when you get an idea? Let us think differently. Let us fight with this ideology HAPPY NEY HEW YEAR. Don’t forget to praise the LORD GOD. STAY CONNECTED TO HIM NEXT…1. WHO IS RICH, 2. WHO IS POOR, 3. IS IDEOLOGY OF OUR POLITICAL READER POOR OR RICH LIKE PERSON?. 4. THE PURPOSE OF A NATION. 6. THE LEADERS AND THE PURPOSE OF NATION. 7. WHERE ARE YOU?. 8. WHY ARE WE POOR (do you know that being poor is not a problem? IT IS A SIMPTOM of a certain problem). Written by NZUNDA, IBRAHIM.Sponsored by SUA COMPUTER Creating Talented and Creative Society (TCS-Society) and ========================================================================================== SUA COMPUTER SOLUTIONS WELCOME TO WINDOWS 8 The new year with new windows and new ways to use it 1. 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