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Friday 25 October 2013

First Community Day 25 Oct 2013 at Jordan University College

Exhibition of the Departments at Jordan University College 

 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy 
Unlike any other creatures in the universe, human beings, seek
knowledge in order to find out the truth. Indeed the desire to know the
highest truth makes us restless and “we cannot rest until we know the
truth.” Through seeking true knowledge, human beings want to improve
their status of life. Since the beginning of human civilisation, there have
been different schools of thought that have impacted on human life and
progress. Philosophy is the major intellectual discipline that has helped
humanity to progress through the search of true knowledge. Philosophy
has shaped the totality of human life and in a particular way, their
thinking, scientific progress and technological advancement. It is an
undeniable fact that Philosophy is at the foundation of scientific
evolution and development, human progress and organisation,
understanding of the universe and all there is, and understanding of
reality in the most highest and comprehensive way. Philosophy can
rightly be referred to as the source of all authentic human knowledge.
Thanks to its methodology, orientation and goal, Philosophy is able to
arrive at the ultimate reasons, causes and principles regarding reality.
There is no subject whatsoever or anything at all that escapes
Philosophical investigation. It is in this light that we want to continue
doing Philosophy for we recognise that human beings have come a long
way in acquiring knowledge and progress thanks to Philosophy and we
know that it will propel us even to reaching the highest levels of
knowledge possible for human beings. 
The aim of the Jordan University College Philosophy programme is
to provide a good opportunity, facilities and environment to the student
interested in studying Philosophy with to study the subject at university
level. The programme will give the student an opportunity to study
among other things, the origin of Philosophy, the different Philosophical
schools of thought, the major themes, issues and concepts addressed by
Philosophy, key Philosophers throughout the centuries, the contribution
of Philosophy in human life and progress, issues of societal
organisation, moral or ethical, political, human rights and development
issues, and issues related to human dignity and respect, duty and
responsibility, human knowledge and science, our origin and destiny,
God and the universe, etc. 

Some figures from African Philosophy

The dean of Department of Philosophy at Jordan University College - Morogoro Celestine Sahaya with students doing philosophical studies at the College.

Jordan University College
P. O. Box 1878
Tel. +255 23 2604854
Fax +255 23 2600338



Bachelor of Arts in African Studies

The programme in African Studies is a multi-disciplinary programme
focusing on some  important  themes  regarding Africa in  particular  and
the  continent  within  the  context  of  the  entire  world  in  general.  The
programme  aims  to  furnish  students  with  knowledge  regarding  Africa
under the following themes: social, cultural, moral, historical, political,
economic, developmental, demographical, environmental, literature and
arts,  philosophical  and  religious.  The  programme  aims  to  enable  its
students   to   develop   a   critical   and   analytical   approach   to   the
aforementioned themes. It aims to convey to the students a methodology
and  the  training  necessary  to  undertake  and  articulate  a  broad-based
multi-disciplinary study of past, contemporary and future African issues
which are more pressing in contemporary Africa.
The  BA  programme  in  African  Studies  allows  flexibility  in  course
choice while, at the same time, focusing on core interdisciplinary areas
of  African  Studies.  The  programme  prepares  students  by  giving  them
 good adequate skills, a firm foundation in knowledge about Africa and
her  people  and  an  excellent  base  for  further  studies  and  research
regarding African issues and the application of the knowledge acquired
in the field.

Jordan University College
P. O. Box 1878
Tel. +255 23 2604854
Fax +255 23 2600338



Saturday 12 October 2013


Walk down the street in the area  you live you will certainly meet young and energetic men just blathering in what is commonly known in kiswahili genge or kijiwe. Walk in the corridors of any higher learning institution in developing countries like Tanzania I assure you beyond the shadows of doubt you will find these whom we call academicians busy with their handsets chatting in social networks, or speaking with their partners on mobile phone.  Commenting on the tendency of most students in Higher learning institutions the Deputy Principle of Academic Affairs at Jordan University - Morogoro Rev. Dr. Ngowi at the inauguration of 2013 - 2014 academic year said that  you rarely find students in the corridors of the university with academical stuff. They may forget to carry with them everything but not a cell phone. They walk around with handsets on their ears and do chatting. They seldom use the library which is the kitchen of what they are doing in higher learning institutions. University libraries are crowded with students only when the exam time approaches. 
           Both these young men and ladies from the genge and those from higher learning institutions expect to have success or to become millionaires someday. Illusions!!! You can't expect a mango from an apple tree. What you sow is what you will reap.  You ask these chaps why are they not successful in life. They will tell you capital is the problem, which I strongly say it is wrong. Capital is the last thing you need. You first need a good idea (Think Different) followed by a good plan and you may proceed with seeing how to finance your plan. Most university students graduate well but with misconceptions about becoming successful in life. All they think is being employed. No one thinks outside the box (using what school has equipped you with to become successful). This is the reason why most students opt not to take courses which don't assure them employment when they complete their studies. 
It is time to get out of the box (cave). It is time to think different. It is time to acknowledge what God has blessed you with and use it, because it is not what you have but what you do with what you have that makes the difference. You have eyes to see, your intellect to see the future (vision) and decide. You have priceless resource called time, use it! Stop blathering and  accumulating complaints for your government. Do you think Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Aliko Dangote, Donald Trump, Warren Baffet and others became successful by singing I wanna be a billionaire without acting? Success is not getting a lot of stuff. Success is not being especially gifted at something. Success is simply allowing God to use what He has already given you.

Sunday 6 October 2013


Traffic Jam .... from Bwawani to Mikese following the implementation of a new rule at the Weighbridges

Tuesday 1 October 2013