Both these young men and ladies from the genge and those from higher learning institutions expect to have success or to become millionaires someday. Illusions!!! You can't expect a mango from an apple tree. What you sow is what you will reap. You ask these chaps why are they not successful in life. They will tell you capital is the problem, which I strongly say it is wrong. Capital is the last thing you need. You first need a good idea (Think Different) followed by a good plan and you may proceed with seeing how to finance your plan. Most university students graduate well but with misconceptions about becoming successful in life. All they think is being employed. No one thinks outside the box (using what school has equipped you with to become successful). This is the reason why most students opt not to take courses which don't assure them employment when they complete their studies.
It is time to get out of the box (cave). It is time to think different. It is time to acknowledge what God has blessed you with and use it, because it is not what you have but what you do with what you have that makes the difference. You have eyes to see, your intellect to see the future (vision) and decide. You have priceless resource called time, use it! Stop blathering and accumulating complaints for your government. Do you think Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Aliko Dangote, Donald Trump, Warren Baffet and others became successful by singing I wanna be a billionaire without acting? Success is not getting a lot of stuff. Success is not being especially gifted at something. Success is simply allowing God to use what He has already given you.
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