Tuesday 4 June 2013


WHY KAOLE ?       
The place where there are Kaole ruins was inhabited back in the 7th Century by the Kwere, Zaramo. They called the place  "Pumbuji" to mean a fertile soil. When the foreigners came back in 13th century the native people from that place said in amazement chite tukalole  (Kwere people) tuchole tukalole (Zaramo) which both "let us go and see" what are those foreigners coming to do. The foreigners could not pronounce that instead they said Kaole thus the name of place came to be called Kaole up to now.

At that place there are ruins of 2 mosques, more than 22 graves, and remains of the tools used back in the 13th and 15th  Centuries.
The grave of Sheikh Ali bin Jumal and that of  lovers (kaburi la wapendanao) are some of the graves with very interesting historical account at Kaole ruins. In the grave of lovers  a couple is buried who happened to die in an accident on the same date in the Indian Ocean. At the grave of lovers (husband and wife) one may pray for the love one has for whoever to last.

  There is also a baobab tree which it is alleged that it has been there for more than 500 years. It is believed that if one goes around it once has increased a year in one's life. According the guide at Kaole ruins the famous musician from Zanzibar the late Bibi Kidude went around the baobab tree in 1958.

There is also a well whose water is associated with blessings, that is when you wash or bath yourself with it you cast out whatever evil spirits, or demons or anything evil which would harm you. The well has been there for centuries. The water in the well never dries up despite the fact that tourist have been using it to bath or wash themselves. Some carry with them the water from  the well back home. 


Anonymous said...

Wonderful Historical place

Unknown said...

It is really wonderful!!!